Academic virtue

According to Article 72 of the Law on Education, academic virtue is a set of ethical principles and rules defined by law, which should be guided by the participants of the educational process in the course of teaching, teaching and conducting scientific (creative) activities in order to ensure confidence in the learning outcomes and / or scientific ( creative) achievements.

The mission of the project on the introduction of academic integrity is systematic changes in the higher education of Ukraine, from which all participants of the academic process - students, teachers, universities, will benefit.

Formation of a new academic culture based on trust, honesty, transparency, real learning, genuine scientific work.

Adherence to academic integrity by educational recipients provides for:

independent fulfillment of educational tasks, tasks of current and final control of learning outcomes (for persons with special educational needs this requirement is applied taking into account their individual needs and opportunities);

references to sources of information when using ideas, statements, information;

compliance with copyright law;

providing reliable information about the results of their own educational (scientific, creative) activity.


The observance of academic virtue by pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical and scientific workers stipulates:

references to sources of information when using ideas, statements, information;

compliance with copyright law;

providing reliable information about the research results and own pedagogical (scientific-pedagogical, creative) activity;

control over the observance of academic integrity by the recipients of education.


Violation of academic integrity is:

academic plagiarism - the publication (in part or in full) of scientific (creative) results obtained by others, as the results of one's own research (creativity), and / or reproduction of published texts (published works of art) by other authors without indication of authorship; the form of academic plagiarism is self-plagiarism, which is to reproduce without reference to a source of information of own previously published texts;

fabrication - falsification of research results, references, or any other data relevant to the educational process;

deception - providing deliberately false information regarding one's own educational (scientific, creative) activity or organization of an educational process;

write-off - the use without external permission of external sources of information when evaluating learning outcomes;

bribery - providing (receiving) a participant in an educational process or offering to provide (receiving) funds, property or services of a tangible or intangible nature for the purpose of obtaining undue advantage in the educational process.

To check the work for the uniqueness and the presence of academic plagiarism you can use the following programs (free of charge): Plagiarism-detector, AdvegoPlagiatus, EtxtAntiplagiat, Content-watch, Strikeplagiarism.