Accounting and taxation is one of the most popular economic specialties in the Academy. It is universal and professionally oriented to the modern requirements in the labor market in the training of specialists in the field of accounting, analytical, control, auditing, tax and auditing activities, ensuring the financial and investment stability of enterprises and other economic entities, including, in the budget sphere.
"Accounting and taxation" is a complex specialty that enables the specialist to work in two areas: accounting and taxation. In addition, specialists in this field are multifunctional workers. The modern accountant is not only engaged in accounting, but also performs other activities, including planning and decision-making, control over compliance with payment and tax discipline at the enterprise, evaluation and analysis of economic and financial activities.
Among the most important aspects of the educational activities of specialists in this specialty is the formation of a high professional level, which requires a deep knowledge of humanities, fundamental, general economic, professional disciplines, as well as the possibility of professional adaptation of specialists in the conditions of new market economic relations with the constant priority of human values.
The specialty "Accounting and Taxation" is the most attractive economic specialty for those who want to understand the general principles of formation of economic information, which is used to manage enterprises, organizations, institutions. No company of any form of ownership today can do without the services of a highly qualified accounting specialist, because all of them are required to keep financial statements, and all other types of reporting are based on accounting data. The modern job market requires trained accountants who can keep records both manually and automatically, and can constantly evolve in line with changes in the economy and legislation.
The specialty "Accounting and Taxation" is also the most prestigious in modern conditions of training of specialists in the field of economic knowledge. Integration processes in the economic development of the state require the training of highly qualified specialists who could provide accounting and control over the financial activity of enterprises; economic validity of actions; objective assessment of the financial performance and legitimacy of management decisions and their implementation; forecasting financial performance and conducting strategic economic analysis; control of rational use of material, labor and financial resources.
Our graduates receive fundamental theoretical and practical training in accounting, management, tax and statistical accounting, auditing, tax optimization, event evaluation, analysis of operations and financial status of Ukrainian enterprises of various forms of ownership.
Accounting and tax specialist today not only performs traditional accounting, analysis, control and audit, focusing on the problem of asset retention and what the company has now, but also introduces strategic measures to improve the efficiency of the enterprise in the future, maintains tax accounting in terms of minimize tax payments and provide tax advice.
The training of specialists at the Academy is aimed at acquiring students with in-depth knowledge that give him the opportunity to work as an accountant and tax consultant at enterprises of different ownership and different areas of activity.
An integral part of the educational process is the acquisition of practical skills by the student in the completion of practical work, course projects and the completion of industrial and undergraduate practice. Students participate in seminars and conferences on economics, accounting and taxation.
Main specializations:
- Accounting, analysis and (audit) taxation
- Accounting, analysis and audit of foreign economic activity
- Examination, evaluation and accounting of real estate
- Accounting, analysis and audit in agriculture
- Accounting, analysis and audit in budgetary institutions
- Accounting, analysis and expertise
- Accounting, control and audit
- Accounting, analysis and audit in commercial banks and insurance companies
- Accounting and financial processes
- Information and analytical support of business management by the results of accounting and financial processes
- Information systems and technologies in accounting, analysis and audit
- Strategic audit of major areas of socio-economic development at macroeconomic and regional levels
- Accounting, analysis and audit in the economy
- Accounting, analysis and audit of tourism and hotel business
- Accounting, analysis and audit of trading activities
- Accounting, analysis and audit of the transport industry and logistics
- Accounting, analysis and audit in the agricultural sector
- Appraisal activities in the field of business
- Accounting, examination and evaluation of material assets
- Accounting, examination and evaluation of integral property complexes, securities, property rights and intangible assets
- Accounting, Expertise and Valuation of Intellectual Property Rights
- Expertise, accounting and audit in the security field
- Accounting and audit in local government institutions
The list of basic disciplines:
- Macro and microeconomics;
- International Economics;
- Analysis of economic activity;
- Audit;
- Accounting (general theory);
- Money and credit;
- Enterprise reporting;
- Information systems and technologies in accounting and auditing.
- Accounting in banks;
- Accounting in budgetary institutions;
- Managerial Accounting;
- Finances;
- Financial Accounting I;
- Financial Accounting II;
- Accounting and reporting in taxation;
- Accounting expertise;
During the training the following competencies were acquired:
- ability to form a system of skills in drawing up, accepting the checking and processing of accounting documents, conducting synthetic and analytical accounting, optimizing taxation, choosing rational methods of organizing financial and economic activity of enterprises;
- ability to use knowledge, skills and practical skills in carrying out accounting processes and taxation at enterprises of different forms of ownership;
- the ability to critically evaluate the organization of accounting processes at enterprises and organizations in the light of international standards;
- ability to apply basic knowledge of fundamental economic sciences and information technologies in practice to the extent necessary for mastering general professional accounting disciplines and using their methods in the chosen profession;
- on the assessment and formation of a proper information base of business entities;
- ability to apply basic knowledge of accounting fundamentals and tax systems;
- knowledge of fundamental economic sciences and information technology to the extent necessary for mastering general professional accounting disciplines and using their methods in the chosen profession;
- understanding of the information base of business entities;
- knowledge of the basics of accounting, analysis and audit (expertise);
- on the application of the methodology and organization of accounting, analysis and audit (expertise) at enterprises of different forms of ownership, in banking and budgetary institutions;
- on the application of the methodology of preparation of financial, tax, statistical and special reporting of enterprises, institutions and organizations;
- on methods of economic analysis of financial and economic activity of enterprises, institutions and organizations;
- ability to put into practice the system of skills and skills in drawing up, accepting, checking and processing accounting documents, conducting synthetic and analytical accounting, calculating and paying different types of taxes, optimizing taxation, choosing rational methods of organizing financial and economic activity of enterprises;
- ability to use knowledge and practical skills in the implementation of any accounting processes at enterprises of different ownership;
- ability to critically evaluate the organization of accounting processes and taxation systems at enterprises and organizations, taking into account the requirements of international standards of accounting, reporting and auditing.
The qualification obtained allows you to work in:
- large corporate enterprises;
- public and political organizations;
- international funds;
- non-governmental organizations of different forms of ownership;
- accounting, economic, financial, industrial and analytical units and services of enterprises, organizations and institutions of different industries and all forms of ownership;
- public administration and local self-government bodies, fiscal bodies;
- bodies of the financial system of the country, banks, exchanges, insurance agencies, treasuries, control and audit departments, institutions of social protection, health care, education and culture, non-state and state pension funds;
- consulting and research institutions;
- private enterprises of small and medium business.
- financial, credit and insurance institutions.
Graduates may hold the following positions (at the initial stage of their professional activities):
- computer database analyst;
- Assistant Accountant-Expert;
- teaching assistant of a higher education institution / teacher of a professional educational institution;
- the auditor (upon receipt of the certificate);
- audit-diagnostics;
- accountant of the bank and other financial institutions;
- accountant for the lines of activity of agricultural enterprises, industrial, small and medium-sized businesses, trade;
- an accountant at an enterprise of any form of ownership and activity;
- accountant, chief accountant, deputy chief accountant;
- expert accountant / leading accountant expert;
- Accountant-Auditor;
- teacher of secondary and higher education institutions;
- teacher of a professional educational institution;
- internal or independent auditor;
- Chief Auditor;
- director of the audit firm (after receiving the certificate);
- economist in accounting and business analysis;
- contract economist and claimant;
- planning economist;
- economist in financial work;
- economist-financier;
- economic advisor;
- cashier;
- head of financial, economic, planning, audit department (unit);
- inspector-auditor;
- cashier / cashier-expert / chief cashier;
- the head of a small business without a management apparatus in commercial service;
- the head of an enterprise, institution or organization;
- Head of Logistics Supply,
- Head of Unit or Fiscal Authority in the GFS;
- Head of the sector in audit, economic, banking, exchange structures;
- Head and Deputy Head of Economic Affairs;
- head of financial, accounting, economic, legal and administrative units;
- economic consultant;
- tax consultant;
- office (office) employee (in audit);
- office (office) employee (in banking institutions);
- office (office) employee (in accounting);
- Methodist in economic education;
- customs inspector;
- Junior Research Fellow;
- research associate (audit, accounting, taxation, economics).
- Head of Department;
- Head of the Audit Department;
- chief of the planning and economic department;
- accountant for accounting records;
- tax inspector;
- Assistant Auditor;
- a private entrepreneur;
- Senior Economist;
- a leading specialist of the State Treasury;
- bookkeeper;
- auditor;
- financial and economic security specialist;
- timekeeper;
- accounting technicians;
- specialist in accounting of tax and audit services, financial, banking, budgetary institutions;
- specialist in accounting FEA;
- financier;
- financial analyst at enterprises of any legal form and sphere of activity;
- CFO, his deputy